EARLY BIRD BONUS! Join today and you'll get an exclusive SIGNED copy of Sarah's bestselling book Dear Universe (Hurry! Only 200 copies available. Bonus ends at midnight.)
EARLY BIRD BONUS! Join today and you'll get an exclusive SIGNED copy of Sarah's bestselling book Dear Universe. 
* Hurry! Only 200 copies available. Bonus ends at midnight.
EXTRA BONUS! Join today and you'll get my 7 Chakra Activations for Manifestation (Value $997)
EARLY BONUS! Join today and you'll get my 7 Chakra Activations for Manifestation (Value $997)
FINAL CALL! Join now before it's too late!
The Doors to Your School for Meaningful Manifestation Close In...
FINAL CALL! Join now before it's too late! The Doors to Your School for Meaningful Manifestation Close In...
Hurry! The Doors to Your School for Meaningful Manifestation Close In...
Hurry! The Doors to Your School for Meaningful Manifestation Close In...

The Universe Has Spoken. I'm Ready To Join!

The Universe Has Spoken.

I'm Ready To Join!

For The Dreamers and Believers Ready To Manifest 

The Most Meaningful Chapter of Your Life:

Do You Ever Think The Universe
Isn’t Listening To You?

If you’re not manifesting exactly what you want, this 

"Missing Key" to The Law of Attraction could be the reason why...

For The Dreamers and Believers Ready To Manifest The Most Meaningful Chapter of Your Life:

Do You Ever Think The Universe Isn’t Listening To You?

If you’re not manifesting exactly what you want, this "Missing Key" to The Law of Attraction could be the reason why...

There’s no point sugarcoating it if you want lightning-fast results. 

The truth is...
Most of the things you’ve heard about the Law Of Attraction are incomplete and insufficient. 
They are empty half-truths disguised as wisdom setting you up for ongoing failure.

You might be left wondering why many of the rituals, vision boards, fancy crystals and affirmations aren’t producing the results you want.

If this is you, then I get it. I tried it all

I used to feel so stuck in my life and felt like The Universe wasn’t listening to the intentions I was putting out there.
I assumed I was connected to The Universe. 
I even thought I was listening, however… 
The Universe kept proving me wrong. 
Days turned into years of disappointment. I studied countless books, courses and videos on manifestation and The Law Of Attraction and still felt like something was missing.

These basic teachings were all focused on the notion of “Good Vibes Only” and “think happy thoughts” and “nothing is more important than feeling good”...

They promise you that you’ll manifest more success but fail to help you navigate reality effectively.

The truth? Life can be challenging. And you are a complex being with a myriad of emotions, reactions and responses to life’s events. 
Sweeping your feelings under the rug will sabotage your success...
Yes, it’s important to aim for higher vibrations, but when you get off course and have a bad day, it’s okay. Just get back up and move forward.

In full transparency, I was also teaching the surface-level concepts of “Good Vibes Only” - but I knew it was time for my teachings to evolve.

I needed to go through the entire process of manifestation with a fine-tooth comb to figure out the simplest and most effective way to materialize dreams and intentions. In truth...
I didn’t produce meaningful manifestations
until I figured out what it really takes.
You see, I’ve devoted the last 22 years of my life studying manifestation, meditation and metaphysics. The short story is that I’ve experienced many blessings and many lessons.

For example, sharing what I now know about the Law of Attraction took me from living on welfare as a single mother to manifesting millions of dollars in my business…

What’s more, is that I'm willing to share with you the exact method I created to change my life and transform the lives of 136,738 of my manifestation students around the world…

If you’ve been waiting to manifest the next level of your life, then…
You’re Here For A Reason
After all, if your manifestation practices were working, you wouldn’t be reading this letter.

The great news is your results are about to change dramatically, and here’s why...

In recent years, I discovered what I believe is the “The Missing Key” in the Law Of Attraction puzzle. And it’s simply this:
Your Dreams Manifest Through
CONSISTENT Connection with The Universe...
The problem is most people think they're connecting with The Universe, but they’re not really, because...

Consistent connection is more than just an affirmation here or a nature walk there...

What is “consistent connection”?

It’s a specific sequence of thoughts, feelings, words, actions, practices, energy patterns and intentional ways of being.

And the reality is this…
If you’re not manifesting what you want,
your connection isn’t as strong as it needs to be.
This may seem blunt, but when you change the quality of your connection, you will change your life. And when you change your life, you can finally manifest your dreams.

If this hits home let’s loop back to my original question:

Do you ever think The Universe isn’t listening to you?

If it’s still a yes it’s time to turn the tables and ask…
Do YOU Listen To The Universe? 
Remember, consistent connection is a two-way street.

The Universe is always listening and responding to your thoughts, feelings and actions.

I’ll tell you what happened when this landed for me...

It’s necessary to prove that I “walk the talk” so you can confidently invest in the next most meaningful and successful chapter of your life… and one of the smartest decisions you will ever make.

When I finally created a consistent connection with The Universe, here's what happened…
I went from living on welfare as a single mother
to manifesting millions of dollars in my business...
I went from living on welfare as a single mother to manifesting millions of dollars in my business...
...Survived 10 years of domestic violence and went on to marry my soulmate...

...went from having 6 miscarriages to 4 miracle babies (defying all medical odds)...
Then there were the multiple 6-figure book deals... My bestselling book Dear Universe... Sharing the stage with Tony Robbins... 

...67 MILLION video views... 

And the list goes on!
In short, I went from a virtual nobody to impacting the lives of millions around the globe and transforming my life at the same time.
So how does this apply to you?
Sarah Prout

Let's Play A Manifesting Game So You Can See For Yourself

Remember the Dear Universe Affirmation at the top of this page?

“Dear Universe, Send Me An Inspired Idea Or A Sign”

Here’s what I’d like you to do with this…

Step 1: Grab a pen and write the affirmation now.

Have you done it? Good.

Step 2: Say it aloud, with intention, from your heart.

This is important. Don’t read on until you’ve done this. Here’s why...
Let's Play A Manifesting Game So You Can See For Yourself
Remember the Dear Universe Affirmation at the top of this page?
“Dear Universe, Send Me An
Inspired Idea Or A Sign”
Here’s what I’d like you to do with this…

Step 1: Grab a pen and write the affirmation now.

Have you done it? Good.

Step 2: Say it aloud, with intention, from your heart.

This is important. Don’t read on until you’ve done this. Here’s why...
It's one of the best affirmations designed for lightning-fast results. 
It almost always works within 24-hours when you’re serious about transforming your life and willing to take inspired action.

Here’s what happened recently when I played this manifesting game myself...

I was in the beautiful and mystical town of Sedona, Arizona when the Universe spoke and sent me my sign...

I meditated, made myself a cup of tea and sat outside staring at the exquisite red rock mountains with my Dear Universe journal and pen.

Immediately, I felt the intuitive urge to write. My heart was open. My mind was clear. And my body felt relaxed.
This was my message from The Universe...
“Dear Sarah, THIS IS YOUR SIGN. It is time to create a new school for meaningful manifestation. Show people not just “how” to manifest,” but more importantly, how to manifest sustainably and meaningfullyTeach them how to create a consistent and unbreakable connection with The UniverseThe time is now. Go and create.”
“Dear Sarah, THIS IS YOUR SIGN. 

It is time to create a new school for meaningful manifestation... 

Show people not just “how” to manifest,” but more importantly, how to manifest sustainably and meaningfully

Teach them how to create a consistent and unbreakable connection with The Universe. 

The time is now. Go and create.”
My hands were trembling and I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the mission ahead of me...

It took 22+ years of meditation and visualization training, metaphysical studies, graduating from the school of Hard Knocks and riding the many exquisite waves of success and failures to finally create this…



It's everything you'll ever need to master The Law of Attraction, manifest the life of your dreams and create a consistent connection with The Universe.
 I'll share everything you get in the Dear Universe Academy
in a moment, but first I have a question for you...
How Strong Is Your Connection with The Universe? 
(Take This Short Quiz and Find Out)
Which of the following are you experiencing? Do you...
  • Want to take your life, business or career to the next level?
  • ​Ever think The Universe isn't listening to you?
  • ​Think you might not be listening to The Universe?
  • Believe you’re missing signs the Universe is sending you?
  • ​Ever feel overwhelmed by anxiety, doubt or uncertainty?
  • ​Lack clarity, direction, support or find yourself drifting?
  • ​Feel unworthy of your dreams and desires?
  • ​Scroll social media mindlessly and without any intention?
  • ​Wonder if you're jinxed or just really bad at manifesting?
  • ​Think you missed something or are doing it wrong?
  • ​Ever feel lonely or want to manifest more love?
  • ​Feel uncomfortable in your body or want more energy?
  • ​Crave more adventure?
  • ​Want to move on from the past?
  • ​Are you ready to begin the most meaningful chapter of your life?
If you answered “yes” to more than 3, The Universe definitely guided you here for a reason.
And by the way, there’s something I want you to know...
I'll share everything you get when you join in a moment, but first a question...
How Strong Is Your Connection with The Universe? 
(Take This Short Quiz and Find Out)
Which of the following are you experiencing? Do you...
  • Want to take your life, business or career to the next level?
  • ​Ever think The Universe isn't listening to you?
  • ​Think you might not be listening to The Universe?
  • Believe you’re missing signs the Universe is sending you?
  • ​Ever feel overwhelmed by anxiety, doubt or uncertainty?
  • ​Lack clarity, direction, support or find yourself drifting?
  • ​Feel unworthy of your dreams and desires?
  • ​Scroll social media mindlessly and without any intention?
  • ​Wonder if you're jinxed or just really bad at manifesting?
  • ​Think you missed something or are doing it wrong?
  • ​Ever feel lonely or want to manifest more love?
  • ​Feel uncomfortable in your body or want more energy?
  • ​Crave more adventure?
  • ​Want to move on from the past?
  • ​Are you ready to begin the most meaningful chapter of your life?
If you answered “yes” to more than 3, The Universe definitely guided you here for a reason.
And by the way, there’s something I want you to know...

You Are Worthy Enough To Manifest Whatever Your Heart Desires...

You just need to say YES to yourself 
and say YES to The Universe.
But first, I’m curious if you believe any of the following concerns are blocking your manifestations…

Your life or business isn’t going the way you thought it would by now. Maybe you’re wanting to manifest a soulmate, a baby, a dream home, a career opportunity, or a new level of entrepreneurial success...

Maybe you think you’re good at manifesting “small” things like a cup of coffee. And yet the “big” life changing manifestations seem to only happen to other people and not you.

Perhaps the comparison trap is stealing your joy. Maybe you’re experiencing the green-eyed monster of jealousy. Maybe you feel like you’re too old, too tired or afraid to venture out of your comfort zone.

And yet, despite all of these concerns, one thing always rings true...
You Know You’re Meant For More
You can sense it. You can feel it. And you know it’s time to get the plan and the guidance you need.

Because there’s more to life than just sitting around and waiting for your dreams to manifest.

You may have already experienced the breakdown before the breakthrough and you know it’s your time to shine. In essence...
It’s Time For Your 11th Hour Miracle
So here’s what you need to do now…

Trust yourself. Tune in and listen to your intuition and your heart.

You just asked the Universe for a sign, remember?

“Dear Universe, Send Me An Inspired Idea Or A Sign.”

Well here’s the great news...
This Is The Sign You’ve Been Asking For
There are no accidents in life and everything happens
in Divine timing, which is why you are here now.
There are no accidents in life and everything happens in Divine timing, which is why you are here now.
I believe our paths crossed for a reason.

And here we are at a choice point.

You can stay stuck and continue feeling unheard by the Universe, or you can…
Take inspired action and enroll in The Dear Universe Academy today...
I believe our paths crossed for a reason, and now we are at a choice point...
You can stay stuck and continue feeling unheard by the Universe, or you can... 
Take Inspired Action and Enroll In
 The Dear Universe Academy today...
Imagine, This Could Be You...
  • “Every day I wake up next to the love of my life.”
  • ​“Business is booming and I’m thrilled to serve more people.”
  • ​“My career has finally taken off! The stress of money troubles is gone and I embody the energy of abundance!” 
  • ​“I cried tears of joy when I saw the two-pink lines on the pregnancy test.
  • ​“The Universe hears me! I have absolute faith and trust that all is well. 
  • ​“I feel strong, happy and confident in my body.”
  • ​“My creative energy has multiplied tenfold - I feel inspired like never before.” 
  • ​“A new level of magic has been activated in my heart.
  • ​“I’ve finally moved on from the past and feel at peace!
  • ​I’m so productive and have the freedom to do what I love.
  • ​“My anxiety has lifted. I am calm, stress-free and best of all HOPEFUL for the future.
  • ​“Most days I laugh until my face hurts. Joy is the best manifestation of all.”
  • ​“I no longer feel confused or unclear about my purpose. My intuition is on fire and I know exactly what I need to do.”
  • ​“The emptiness is gone! I’m finally happy again.
  • ​“The dreams I’m manifesting are actually meaningful AND sustainable this time!
… when you listen to your heart and follow the signs from The Universe.
Imagine, This Could Be You...
  • “Every day I wake up next to the love of my life.”
  • ​“Business is booming and I’m thrilled to serve more people.”
  • ​“My career has finally taken off! The stress of money troubles is gone and I embody the energy of abundance!” 
  • ​“I cried tears of joy when I saw the two-pink lines on the pregnancy test.
  • ​“The Universe hears me! I have absolute faith and trust that all is well. 
  • ​“I feel strong, happy and confident in my body.”
  • ​“My creative energy has multiplied tenfold - I feel inspired like never before.” 
  • ​“A new level of magic has been activated in my heart.
  • ​“I’ve finally moved on from the past and feel at peace!
  • ​I’m so productive and have the freedom to do what I love.
  • ​“My anxiety has lifted. I am calm, stress-free and best of all HOPEFUL for the future.
  • ​“Most days I laugh until my face hurts. Joy is the best manifestation of all.”
  • ​“I no longer feel confused or unclear about my purpose. My intuition is on fire and I know exactly what I need to do.”
  • ​“The emptiness is gone! I’m finally happy again.
  • ​“The dreams I’m manifesting are actually meaningful AND sustainable this time!
… when you listen to your heart and follow the signs from The Universe.
What People Are Manifesting with Sarah Prout
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“I’ve had more manifestations than I can count”
...I had a huge breakthrough when I came across one of Sarah Prout's programs and signed up. Since then I've had more manifestations than I can count or even remember anymore without checking my journal. I signed up because I wanted to gain access to as much material as possible from Sarah. For me, this is the best manifestation ever. - Tawnya
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“An $8,000 pay rise…”
"Out of the blue we just got $150 put in the bank AND my husband just got an $8,000 pay rise!!! Thank you beautiful universal energy and Sarah and Sean! I am GRATEFUL." -Tammy
“As a person with life long anxiety, this has helped me relax, be more peaceful, and have faith in The Universe” ~ Denise
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“One of the best decisions I have ever made…”
"Joining the manifesting academy has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have become aware of being grateful for what I do have. I continue manifesting physical and emotional gifts and I am eternally grateful for Sean and Sarah. I encourage anyone to join the Academy as with me, you might not even realize how much you need it." Geri
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“Thank God First for Putting Sarah in My Path…”
“... I attracted my soulmate and attracted a vehicle, which allows me to spend time with him because he lives 45 minutes away from me. This all brought excitement, extra love, happiness, and joy to my heart and life. So I thank God first for putting Sarah and Sean in my path. Thank you Sarah and Sean for Everything. Love you guys!” ~ Monica P
“Since I joined the academy, I hardly come across difficulties. I keep aiming, hitting my dream target and they keep manifesting.” ~ Dee-Dee
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“I Love This Academy!”
"I love this Academy! I'm a Medium, and an Empath, and with this world of knowledge at my fingertips, it has helped me tremendously! I'm so thankful every day that Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson designed and put their hearts into this wonderful program. So thank you very much" ~ Michelle
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“Manifested a job in a field I’ve been trying to get into for over 10 years.”
"I managed to manifest a job in a field that I have been trying to get into for over 10 years. I feel more confident on a daily basis and I finally have learned how to stop worrying, set my intentions and leave them in the hands of The Universe/God." ~ Lisa
Here's Everything You Need To Know
About The Dear Universe Academy
Here's Everything You Need To Know About The Dear Universe Academy
The Dear Universe Academy is a 14-week interactive video-based training program where you will master the art of meaningful manifestation and create a consistent, unbreakable connection with The Universe… so you can finally manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of.

If you’re wanting to up-level your life, business, relationship or career, this program was specifically designed for you.

When you enroll in The Dear Universe Academy…
Your Days of Feeling Like The Universe
Isn’t Listening Will Finally Be Over
The program is led by world-renowned Law of Attraction expert, Sarah Prout - International Bestselling Author of Dear Universe, Host of the MANIFEST Podcast, and Manifestation Mentor to Over 130,000 students across the globe.
How Does The Dear Universe Academy work?
First, here’s the big problem with most online training programs these days...

They pluck you from your day to day life, cram an overwhelming amount of information into your head, and leave you to flounder on your own…

That’s not the case with The Dear Universe Academy.

Yes, you’ll receive weekly training to “educate” and give you the practical knowledge you need to start manifesting real results right away…

But it won’t stop there.

Starting on Day 1, you’ll also receive the actionable guidance you need for simple, intuitive and easy-to-follow daily implementation of your manifestation training…

In other words, there won't be a single day you feel like you’re on your own or don't know what to do.

The Dear Universe Academy is
Your 14-Week Manifestation Intensive
To Create The Life of Your Dreams

This isn’t a short 21-day challenge or 6 week course that will leave you barely scratching the surface of possibility…

It’s a 14-week intensive with expert training, hand-held guidance and clear instructions on the manifestation methods that actually work!

From beginning to end, you’ll be taken through everything you need to know to manifest the life of your dreams, so that by the time the program finishes...
The Dear Universe Academy is Your 14-Week Manifestation Intensive To Create The Life of Your Dreams
This isn’t a short 21-day challenge or 6 week course that will leave you barely scratching the surface of possibility…

It’s a 14-week intensive with expert training, hand-held guidance and clear instructions on the manifestation methods that actually work!

From beginning to end, you’ll be taken through everything you need to know to manifest the life of your dreams, so that by the time the program finishes...
You’ll have the confidence, certainty and real-life proof that
There is no fluff or complexity to anything you’ll be taught.

Every piece of training is from Sarah’s authentic, intuitive, heart-based and down-to-earth style of teaching… which will keep you feeling inspired, motivated and hopeful for the future.

Each of the 7 core training modules* are pre-recorded and accessed through your secure online portal, along with inspiring manifestation workbooks to keep you in tune and on track. The modules are released every other week with 7 LIVE Mentoring / Q&A sessions sprinkled in-between so you can get all of your questions answered directly from Sarah herself.
You’ll also get lifetime access to all of the training and bonuses listed below!

And if you’re wondering about the time investment...
The journey you’re about to begin is
not time consuming and it is not difficult.
YES! You get 14 high-powered weeks of Sarah's manifestation training... 

That’s so you have all the time you need to digest the proven, action oriented, results driven wisdom and so you can get the support you need for an extended period of time

But that doesn’t mean your training will be time consuming, because… 

Every part of this program has been designed with “busy” people in mind.

Whether you have kids, school, a full time job or business, you’ll be able to go through the training of Dear Universe Academy at your own pace, in your own time and in the comfort of your own home.

What’s more, as an added bonus you’ll also have access to an exclusive members only community to collaborate, mastermind and get the 24/7 support whenever you need it.

Whether it’s the manifestation principles you’re learning, or a personal or business struggle you’re going through, this community of highly inspired, like-minded kindred spirits will be there to see you, hear you, appreciate you and lift you up any time you want, at any time of day…
The Dear Universe Academy Curriculum
A life filled with sustainable and meaningful manifestations is on the other side of The Dear Universe Academy…
Build Your Foundation
Build Your Foundation
Meaningful manifestation is built upon a strong foundation.
Connect with The Universe, set powerful intentions, embrace your strengths, and watch the magic manifest.

You’ll also learn:
  • The basics of meaningful manifestation (hint: it’s the purpose of existence)
  • ​Activate the Universal Laws and connect with the Cosmic Creator (the Universe, God, Source, The Divine)
  • ​Understand how your beliefs and your subconscious mind determine your desired outcome
  • ​Harness creative energy to promote flow instead of resistance
  • ​Make an “intention map” to create a grand vision for your life’s purpose by choosing a path of focus
  • ​Open your heart to infinite possibilities and let go of the past — no matter how stuck or hurt you might feel
  • ​Unpack the reasons “why” you desire to manifest more for yourself in every area of your life (REMEMBER: You Are Worthy)
  • ​Witness the Matrix - the illusion of this physical reality and integrate the game-changing principle of surrender
  • ​Become a meaningful manifestation magnet once completing the “release and receive” empowerment process
You’ll have insight to manifest any intention you desire — so that when “life happens” you can always stay on the path of inspiration.
Spark Magnetic Momentum
Spark Magnetic Momentum
A vision board isn’t enough — your energy must maintain alignment.
The quality of your meaningful manifestations is determined by your willingness to actively participate in the creation process and your consistent connection with The Universe. 

In this Module, you’ll learn:
  • Choose the right daily manifestation and metaphysical practices that fit your lifestyle
  • ​Remove the elements in your life that sabotage success
  • ​Release the beliefs that get in your way
  • ​Materialize resources, things, and people at the perfect Divine time
  • ​Take ownership and responsibility for your actions and your emotions
  • ​Anchor your energy to the essence of hope and inspiration
  • ​Align with the vibration and signature energy patterns of your intentions
  • ​Meet with your future self and pave the path forward in the ethers
  • ​Activate the Divine call for assistance and guidance on your manifestation journey with meditation + visualization
Whether you’re new to the Law Of Attraction or a seasoned manifestor, this Module will help you spark the energy of moving forward and feeling fabulous about your destined future. 
Troubleshoot Your Energy
Troubleshoot Your Energy
When you feel stuck or have a bad day, it doesn’t cancel your manifestations.
Let’s dive into your mindset and the choice points you have when things seem to be going as planned. The manifestation journey needs support during these times. 

You’ll also:
  • “Every day I wake up next to the love of my life.”
  • ​Become aware of reasons why you second-guess your magnificence
  • Release control of the things you believe you have control over
  • Get the energy flowing in the fastest way possible
  • ​Avoid making things more complicated for yourself with the beauty of perspective, forgiveness, and non-judgment
  • ​Accept what is, remember Divine timing and unleash the magic of laughing your ass off
  • ​Discern the difference between your mind and your heart to find the middle path of comfort (and reassurance) 
  • ​Spark your Dear Universe moments of intention to instantly feel better and more optimistic
Using simple strategies when you feel like you’re struggling will be the difference between success or failure. With this module, there is only success.
Uplevel Your Frequency
Uplevel Your Frequency
The Law of Vibration is the rocket fuel for your intentions — dial in this process and you can manifest anything you want.
Powerfully raise your vibration, identify your soul boundaries, immerse yourself in beauty and use the power of gratitude to amplify your results. 

You’ll also:
  • Start with your body and get real about the temple that houses your soul
  • ​Learn how to balance and activate your chakras for manifestation
  • Unravel how to alchemize your emotions
  • Connect with other humans to amplify the magic of relationships
  • ​Experience the thrill (and practicality) of taking inspired steps of action towards your intentions and goals
  • ​Create your own vortex: Step into nature and remember your place in the grand scheme of things
Understanding when to amplify your energy is the key to accelerating your manifestation journey. It’s the acknowledgment of the subtle frequencies that create the biggest and most positive changes.
Train Your Intuition
Train Your Intuition
The stronger you train your intuition to be, the more it will be your greatest asset.
Learn how to trust your senses, why it’s so important to develop your psychic gifts, and — how it can serve you tremendously on your manifestation journey. 

You’ll also:
  • Connect with the Universe in a miraculous new way seeing Divine clues EVERYWHERE
  • ​Notice and document signs and synchronicities showing up in your reality and how to interpret them
  • Meet and connect with your mystic mentors, spirit guides, and angels
  • Harness crystal energy for inspiration and rejuvenation
  • ​Learn how to protect your energy field and keep it squeaky clean
  • Knowing when to focus your attention and knowing when to let go
  • ​Remember that you are the oracle for a reason
  • ​Ask the Universe for signs, dreams, and totems that support your adventure.
Everyone has intuitive superpowers. The Universe is always waiting for you to pick up what they’re putting down. 
Receive Your Manifestations
Receive Your Manifestations
Opening your heart to receive your intentions is one of the greatest aspects of Divine manifestation. When you master this, you master manifestation.
How to Trust and Surrender to the process and How to perfect the art of letting go so you’re not “clinging onto your desires” with energy that pushes them away. This gets you ready to receive. 

You'll also: 
  • ​The Law of Vacuum and how to create space for expecting your desires
  • Creative ways to show something called “Active Faith” and acting “as if”
  • How to trust in Divine Timing 
  • ​Identify the 5 key signs that appear before your manifestations do
  • The 11th-hour manifestation miracle and why failure often appears right before success
  • The difference between stepping stone manifestations and sustainable manifestations
  • ​Why letting go is part of the magic and the power of “this or something better”.
It’s time to envision how it will feel when your manifestations appear in your reality. The time is now, and success is already here. 
Celebrate Your Success
Celebrate Your Success
Joy is the highest currency of consciousness. When you tune into the energy of success, celebration, and happiness then wonderful things will always manifest into your life.
Life is about following your bliss and partying like it’s 1999. You’ll also realize a powerful truth that there is nothing more important in life than tuning into the essence of joy and celebration.

You'll also: 
  • How to Unlock the Miracle of Supportive Energy so you are energetically supported every step of the way on your manifesting journey…
  • ​How to create your own ‘Celebration Ritual’. Both before AND after your desires manifest, so they can happen quicker, with more joy and with less effort
  • How to rise above jealousy and genuinely celebrate the success of others
  • Why it’s important to share your story and speak of your incredible achievements 
  • ​7 Amazing Ideas to Celebrate Your Life And Cherish Every Moment As A Miraculous Manifestation
The journey of manifestation is a life-long sacred contract. There will always be times of joy if you choose to see the miracles of each moment.
Your Core Curriculum Includes…
7 Powerful Pre-Recorded Modules ($7,997 VALUE)
You'll receive seven videos that Sarah has created from her heart to yours with all of the best and most inspiration content on manifestation that you will need to support you on your journey. Every second week a new module will be available for you to view so you can easily digest all of the incredible information to skyrocket your manifestation results. 
7 LIVE Mentoring / Q&A Sessions with Sarah Prout ($7,997 VALUE)
Every second week between new Dear Universe Academy modules all your questions will be answered in these LIVE 60-minute Q&A sessions with me. And don’t worry if you can’t make it live… I’ll be accepting questions beforehand and they will be recorded for you to review whenever you want
7 Dear Universe Academy Manifestation Workbooks ($397 VALUE)
Every module that is part of the Dear Universe Academy curriculum has an accompanying WORKBOOK to record your journey. You will received a new PDF workbook to download and print every second week. We encourage all participants to keep the workbooks and worksheets so that they become a living document of your incredible manifestation journey. Print them out, create a binder and fully embrace being a student of the Universe!
Exclusive Members Only Mastermind Community ($997 VALUE)
Are you ready to meet your new soul family? The Dear Universe Academy students will all be invited to our exclusive VIP members only mastermind community. We will all be there to celebrate your success and be with you every step of our journey together. Meet and connect with other like-minded kindred spirits that are all holding the intention to manifest their dreams. 
The Dear Universe Academy Meditation Collection ($111 VALUE)
A new meditation will be available with each module to anchor in the energy of the week's theme and topic. Integration is a very important part of the manifestation process and this collection of Dear Universe meditations will help you feel inspired to connect  deeply with The Universe on a whole new level. 
7 Future Self-Visualizations ($111 VALUE)
This collection of Dear Universe FUTURE SELF Visualizations have been designed to connect you to the energy of where you're headed. Catch a glimpse into the realm of infinite possibilities when you immerse yourself in this sacred and powerful meeting between who you are NOW and who you are in the process of becoming.
When You Enroll Today You’ll Also Receive These 4 Amazing Bonuses!
Connect on a deep and profound level with mystic mentors, angels and spirit guides, in your mind’s eye to activate the following signature energy codes: Divine Feminine Energy //  Sacred Creativity // Out Of The Matrix // Soul To Cell // Celestial Knowing // The Embodiment // Surrender and Let Go  - Each time you listen to one of these activations your vibration will transform, evolve and deep healing will take place. 
6 Dear Universe Affirmation SOUNDSCAPES for MANIFESTATION ($297 Value)
Immerse yourself into these transformative binaural beats designed to raise your vibration, lift your mood and align with the energy of your desires. Layered with affirmations, sound healing is tremendously effective and so the frequencies in these tracks will reprogram your subconscious mind to create powerful changes on your manifestation journey. 
7 Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery Mini-Course ($179 VALUE)
There is a tremendous power of the pen when combined with setting intentions to manifest. Knowing yourself and what you want is part of the journey. To support this aspect I have created 7 journal prompts for self-discovery that are fun, thought-provoking and help to get you out of your head and into your heart - which is a key aspect in the manifestation process.  
Certificate Of Completion (PRICELESS)
Your journey through The Dear Universe Academy will be the most priceless and transformative education you've ever experienced. Which is why when you graduate from this school for meaningful manifestation, you'll receive a personalized certificate of completion as a committed student of The Universe. 

Your Investment Today Is

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Don’t decide now! Module 1 will be released on Saturday, November 20th. If you don’t love the academy, email my team by the end of day 10 to turn in your course work and let us know. You'll receive a 100% refund.

No hidden-extras, no cancellation fees!

Please note: if you don’t submit your completed coursework by November 29th at 11:59 PM EDT, no refund will be issued. This also applies to payment plans, which means you’ll be responsible for all payments after November 29th.

Don’t decide now! Module 1 will be released on Saturday, November 20th. If you don’t love the academy, email my team by the end of day 10 to turn in your course work and let us know. You'll receive a 100% refund. No hidden-extras, no cancellation fees!

Please note: if you don’t submit your completed coursework by November 29th at 11:59 PM EDT, no refund will be issued. This also applies to payment plans, which means you’ll be responsible for all payments after November 29th.

It's Time For A Recap
Here’s Everything You Get When You Enroll Today! 
  • ​7 Powerful Pre-Recorded Modules ($7,997)
  • ​7 LIVE Manifesting Mentoring Sessions ($7,997)
  • ​7 Dear Universe Academy Manifestation Workbooks ($297)
  • Exclusive Members Only Mastermind Community ($997)
  • ​The Dear Universe Academy Meditation Collection ($111 Value) 
  • ​7 Future-Self Visualizations ($111)
  • ​7 Meditations for Manifesting ($997)
  • ​7 Mystic Activations ($997)
  • ​6 Dear Universe Affirmation Soundscapes for Manifestation ($297)
  • ​7 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery Mini-Course ($179)
  • Dear Universe Academy Certificate of Completion (PRICELESS)

TOTAL VALUE: $19,080

Your Investment Today Doesn't Even Come Close! 
When you enroll now in The Dear Universe Academy, it’s just one single payment of
... or you can start now for just $197 with a payment plan of your choice.
Hear the BUZZ about Sarah's Manifestation Work
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson have created the foundation for something very special.”
I am learning valuable tools for clearing out old beliefs and learning to trust myself and what I'm seeing (and was probably there all along). The Soul Tribe community has become my "go-to" place for sharing metaphysical ideas and happenings in my life, and I’ve began making some really good friendships out of our mutual support for each other. I belong to other online groups, but they don’t feel like "family" the way this one does. Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson have created the foundation for something very special.  - Vicky
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“Joining was life changing…”
“For me, joining Sarah’s program was life changing. She’s taught me how to be crystal clear about my dreams and intentions for myself and my family... being part of the "Soul Tribe" is one of the best things that's ever happened to me in my life. The members of this group are loving, caring, understanding and 100% supportive no matter where you are at with manifesting.” - Andrea
“So much alignment since joining the academy…” ~Tryna
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“The resources and videos are so rich and easy to use…”
"I love the community and the connection with Sarah and Sean. The lovely flow of reminders to say new things, tips on how to work on our manifesting skills and the humor of how the journey is in learning to master manifesting sills - it's all so supportive and helping me learn faster. The resources and videos in the manifesting academy are so rich, easy to use and helps me absorb so much quickly and on my own time. I am learning to respect and trust my intuition so deeply." - Kate
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“One of the BEST things that has ever happened to me…”
"Oh wow. Seriously. This is one of the BEST things that has ever happened to me. I have stopped searching. I have found what I have been looking for. Thank you Sarah Prout!" ~ Tricia
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“So Much Peace and Contentment…”
"Thank you Sarah <3 I have been experiencing so much peace and contentment because of your powerful lessons and meditations." ~ Nikki
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“All of my blocks are gone!”
"I simply feel a knowing that I am on my path of Abundance because I'm letting go of the blocks LIKE a huge storage unit of stuff that I've been holding on to. I got rid of it all this week. All gone and now there is a blessed space for receiving God's will." ~ Dominique
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“I have broken free from the pain.”
"It keeps me in the right vibe, a sense of belonging and positivity and living with gratitude every day makes life so much more enjoyable. I have broken free from the pain both from a relationship which was both emotional and physical. I have received gifts of money, I feel more chilled out about things. So grateful to you." ~Sally
Meet Your Manifestation Mentor

I'm so thrilled you're here and am very excited to finally share with you a program so near and dear to my heart…

The Dear Universe Academy has been years in the making and is a reflection of everything I’ve learned as a manifestation mentor to more than 130,000 people over the last decade… and finding the methods that actually create life-changing results.

Perhaps you are one of my manifesting students. Maybe you’re a reader of my bestselling book Dear Universe. Maybe you’re a listener of the MANIFEST podcast. Or maybe you found me via my viral video (seen 67+ million times) on how to “Be The Love” (also the title of my upcoming book)...

However you found me, I’m a big believer in synchronicities and can say with confidence that our paths crossed for a reason.

In addition to being a creative entrepreneur and manifestation expert - I’m also a wife, mother of four, writer and lover of all things mystical. My methods have a focus on emotional empowerment, intuitive wisdom and heart-based healing.

If you’re thinking of joining the Dear Universe Academy, it may be helpful to know what I believe in, so here are…
My Top 4 Core Beliefs About Manifesting and
Spirituality + What It Means For You
First, I believe that manifestation is the purpose of existence. Every moment is an opportunity to manifest something new - whether it’s a feeling, an experience, creating memories with your loved ones or a new connection point with The Universe. I discovered this through learning it’s about the journey and the destination. And if you want to create a meaningful life, it’s important that you honor both.

Second, I believe that everything is energy. This awareness breaks you free from the matrix and reminds you that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. When you guide the flow of your energy you can up-level your life, your business and manifest new levels of financial abundance. What’s even better is you will manifest the things money can’t buy - hope, joy, love, freedom, meaning, and so much more.

Third, I believe in the power of transformation. Miracles manifest when you’re ready to dive into the beliefs that have led you to this moment. I went from living below the poverty line as a single mother to manifesting millions of dollars in my business, receiving multiple 6-figure book deals, sharing the stage with Tony Robbins, and inspiring millions of people around the globe.

Fourth, I believe in YOU. You’re a powerful, transformative being with a deep capacity to create magic. I see you and I am honored to be here with you.

Over and above everything - I stand for LOVE. It’s the rocket-fuel for any manifestation and is the foundation for true spiritual practice.

In case no one’s told you today… Thank you for being here.

With Gratitude,
I'm so thrilled you're here and am very excited to finally share with you a program so near and dear to my heart…
The Dear Universe Academy has been years in the making and is a reflection of everything I’ve learned as a manifestation mentor to more than 130,000 people over the last decade… and finding the methods that actually create life-changing results.

Perhaps you are one of my manifesting students. Maybe you’re a reader of my bestselling book Dear Universe. Maybe you’re a listener of the MANIFEST podcast. Or maybe you found me via my viral video (seen 67+ million times) on how to “Be The Love” (also the title of my upcoming book)...

However you found me, I’m a big believer in synchronicities and can say with confidence that our paths crossed for a reason.

In addition to being a creative entrepreneur and manifestation expert - I’m also a wife, mother of four, writer and lover of all things mystical. My methods have a focus on emotional empowerment, intuitive wisdom and heart-based healing.

If you’re thinking of joining the Dear Universe Academy, it may be helpful to know what I believe in, so here are…
My Top 4 Core Beliefs About Manifesting and Spirituality + What It Means For You
First, I believe that manifestation is the purpose of existence. Every moment is an opportunity to manifest something new - whether it’s a feeling, an experience, creating memories with your loved ones or a new connection point with The Universe. I discovered this through learning it’s about the journey and the destination. And if you want to create a meaningful life, it’s important that you honor both.

Second, I believe that everything is energy. This awareness breaks you free from the matrix and reminds you that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. When you guide the flow of your energy you can up-level your life, your business and manifest new levels of financial abundance. What’s even better is you will manifest the things money can’t buy - hope, joy, love, freedom, meaning, and so much more.

Third, I believe in the power of transformation. Miracles manifest when you’re ready to dive into the beliefs that have led you to this moment. I went from living below the poverty line as a single mother to manifesting millions of dollars in my business, receiving multiple 6-figure book deals, sharing the stage with Tony Robbins, and inspiring millions of people around the globe.

Fourth, I believe in YOU. You’re a powerful, transformative being with a deep capacity to create magic. I see you and I am honored to be here with you.

Over and above everything - I stand for LOVE. It’s the rocket-fuel for any manifestation and is the foundation for true spiritual practice.

In case no one’s told you today… Thank you for being here.

With Gratitude,
More Words Of Praise For Sarah Prout
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“An Amazing and Magical Journey.”
"Life changing. I'm finding myself continuously thanking The Universe throughout my days, being aware of the signs (even the little ones) that are being presented to me. I'm finding myself asking for a direction through trust and surrendering. The Universe always answers. An amazing magical journey. Thank you. <3" - Sandy
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“Sarah and Sean’s wisdom has been instrumental in riding the rough waters with grace and ease.”
"Sarah and Sean's wisdom and the Academy have been instrumental in my riding the rough waters with grace and ease. I'm feeling like a champion surfer with these two angels. It's been a gift that continues to give as I have been able to share this experience with my loved ones. It's brought us all closer. You guys Rock!!!" - Tina
"Life changing. It has given me direction." - Margo
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“No more self doubt or self sabotage, no more worry.”
"This has given me so much freedom! Freedom from self! No more self doubt or self sabotage, no more worry. I have learned how to live in the moment, bad or good and know all is as it should be. But so much more!" ~Dawn
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“Overjoyed to be part of this life changing movement.”
"My life has transformed in so many beautiful ways since enrolling... I now have tried and true methods to manifest the things in my life that I desire. Sarah and Sean Patrick are wonderful hands on instructors that give fully of themselves and their processes. The other members are a true reflection of the awesome program facilitated by Sarah and Sean. I am overjoyed to be part of this life changing movement."  ~Krispy
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“Manifested the most incredible man into my life…”
"I have manifested the most incredible man into my life and together we have amazing plans together of travel, personal development, beautiful home, great intimacy. Very happy with how life has changed." - Kelly
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions?
Here are your answers.
+ When Can I Join? 
The Dear Universe Academy will be open for 5 days only, from November 8th-12th. Doors open at 7:00 AM PDT Monday!
+ When Does The Program Officially Begin? 
The program starts with the release of Module 1 on Saturday, November 20th. 
+ What happens after I enroll? 
After you enroll you’ll see a celebration video from me followed by an email. If you choose the pay in full option you’ll immediately receive your welcome email.  If you choose a payment plan, you’ll receive an email asking you to agree to the terms and conditions of your payment plan - which is simply, that you’ll complete all payments. With just a couple clicks, you’ll submit your agreement and then receive your welcome email.  
+ What do I get?
You'll receive the entire core curriculum and all bonuses listed on this page + access to all Q&A calls 
+ What if I can’t make it to the Live QA’s? 
That’s okay! All LIVE sessions will be recorded and I’ll be accepting questions beforehand. 
+ How long does the program last? 
The Dear Universe Academy is a 14-week manifestation intensive. And you have lifetime access to all the materials… which means it’s completely up to you whether you take it at your own pace or follow a precise timeline. Either way, this is a gentle yet exciting journey designed to suit your needs. However you choose to go through this is perfectly okay! 
+ How long do I have to complete the training?
The Dear Universe Academy was created with busy people in mind. You have LIFETIME access to every module and every bonus... which means you can either stick to the course schedule or go at your own pace. 
+ Are there payment options? 
Yes! This program is very accessible with 3 payment options:

1. Pay in Full: when you pay in full you’ll immediately save $367. The total investment is just $1,997. 

2. Flexible: this plan includes 6 monthly payments $367. Your total investment once all payments are complete is $2,202. 

3. More Flexible: this plan includes 12 monthly payments of $197. Your total investment once all payments are complete is $2,364.   
+ Are refunds available?
Yes. Module 1 will be released on Saturday, November 20th. If you don’t love the academy, email my team by the end of day 10 to turn in your course work and let us know. You'll receive a 100% refund. No hidden-extras, no cancellation fees! 

*Please note: if you don’t submit your completed coursework by November 29th at 11:59 PM EDT, no refund will be issued. This also applies to payment plans, which means you’ll be responsible for all payments after November 29th.
+ How is this different to “The Manifesting Academy” Membership? 
It’s so different they’re not even in the same Universe! Firstly, The Manifesting Academy is no longer accepting new members. Secondly, The Manifesting Academy was intended as a “self-service” program to pick and choose mini manifesting lessons and meditations at random. 

The Dear Universe Academy isn’t random at al. It’s a fully guided, comprehensive and immersive 14-week manifestation intensive. It’s key purpose is to show you how to master The Law of Attraction, manifest the life of your dreams and create a CONSISTENT connection with The Universe. By the time you complete this program, you’ll never feel like The Universe isn’t listening again. 
It’s Time To Listen To Your Heart
If you made it here, you’re probably thinking of joining The Dear Universe Academy…

And if you’re anything like me, you’re probably feeling a range of emotions.

You may feel an excitement for what’s possible for you and an intuitive knowing that joining now is the right path forward...

But you may also feel the seeds of doubt that crop up when trying new things or venturing outside of your comfort zone.
  • “What if it doesn’t work for me?”
  • "I'm feeling a bit scared..."
  • “This is a big commitment, can I really do it?”
I get it. I’ve felt the same way with the programs and opportunities I’ve invested in throughout the years. 
Some worked really well while others were just “okay”. 

Regardless, what I found the most consistent of all is this…
The greatest manifestations happen when you invest in yourself
and take the leap of faith you know you’re meant to take.
The greatest manifestations happen when you invest in yourself and take the leap of faith you know you’re meant to take.
Remember, the energy you put out there returns to you...

And The Dear Universe Academy is not your average manifestation program.

It truly has the best of the best manifestation techniques and methods to manifest your dreams, master The Law of Attraction, and create a consistent connection with The Universe.

Ultimately, your manifestation energy will be amplified.

Which brings me to an important question...
What’s Your Dream Life Worth To YOU?
When I was younger, I would have paid anything for the manifestation training you’re about to receive...

Having the increased self-worth, confidence and practically guaranteed success these methods have given me would have saved years of heartache and struggle.

Instead, I spent tens of thousands of dollars on online courses and training…

Hundreds of thousands on personalized coaching and mastermind groups…

And over the course of my business, I’ve spent well over a million dollars attempting to amplify my manifestations.

Nothing was as life changing as when I discovered the manifestation secrets of a consistent and unbreakable connection with The Universe…

Which is why I’d like to invite you to enroll in The Dear Universe Academy today and discover the magic for yourself.
What Even More People Are Saying About Manifesting With Sarah Prout
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“A new world of possibilities…”
"I finally feel I can manifest anything I want. This community supports when I achieve my manifestations, and they help keep me on track when I'm stuck. I have been able to open a new world of possibilities. The Universe is on my side and the manifest group is my soul family." ~Christine
“I highly recommend this academy, as the lessons are easy to follow and powerful. Sean and Sarah will give you the keys to unlocking your true self.” ~Helen
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“The keys to unlocking the truth of your soul.”
"Before joining I was running on empty. Burnt out. Joining the Academy, I learned to give myself permission to take care for myself. The thing I love the most in the academy is the meditations. They're quick but powerful. I would recommend the academy to others who are feeling lost, drained, disconnected from life that the answers lie within and Sean and Sarah will give you the keys to unlocking the truth of your soul." ~Becc
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“Manifested a new car and job opportunities.”
"Hi Soul Tribe, I've manifested a new car and job opportunities. I'm so grateful for this group. I've realized you have to be very specific about what you manifest. I have learned so much from the Academy!" ~ Mary
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“My life changed completely. I see every day how the Universe gives me signs.”
The Academy has opened my mind to wonderful experiences that I didn't know could happen. I now know how to start my day and be grateful for everything that the Universe gives me. I see every day how the Universe gives me signs to know that I am aligned. My life changed completely. Thank you Sarah and Sean for everything and Universe too. I am grateful every day. ~Selina
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“This is it! This is what we all need in our life.”
"This is it! This is what we all need in our life. Uplifting thoughts and support of each other together with the peace and calm it provides. Thank you Sarah and Sean for your amazing insights into what this world could be like and actually is." ~Sally
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“I have become a much happier & positive person even with crazy things going on in my life” 
"I have become a much happier & positive person even with crazy things going on in my life & in the world. I've been able to help others improve their lives with positive energy. I've been able to manifest some really great things in my life. And I know this is just the tip of the iceberg & even more wonderful things are heading my way, thanks to this awesome group." ~Catherine
Are You Ready To Manifest
The Most Meaningful Chapter Of Your Life?
"YES! I'm Ready to Enroll In The Dear Universe Academy."
Choose The Plan That's Right For You.

Most Flexible

You save $367 when you pay in full!
    All prices USD.


    You'll save an extra $205 when you pay in full
      All prices USD.


      You'll save an extra $367 when you pay in full
        All prices USD.
        • For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
        Are You Ready To Manifest The Most Meaningful Chapter Of Your Life?
        "YES! I'm Ready to Enroll In The Dear Universe Academy."
        Choose The Plan That's Right For You.

        BEST VALUE

        You save $367 when you pay in full!
          All prices USD. 


          You'll save an extra $205 when you pay in full.
            All prices USD.

            Most Flexible

            12-MONTHLY PAYMENTS
            You'll save an extra $367 when you pay in full.
              All prices USD.
              • For your security, all orders are
                processed on a secured server.


              OVER 1 MILLION+ FANS

              130,000+ HAPPY STUDENTS


              OVER 1 MILLION+ FANS

              130,000+ HAPPY STUDENTS

              © 2021 - SarahProut.com - Soul Space Media LLC
              304 S. Jones Blvd 2429 Las Vegas Nevada 89107 USA (702) 978-8391