When most people talk about
The Secret or books like Ask & It is Given, they talk about the Law of Attraction... which I adore.
But the Law of Attraction is just one of twelve spiritual laws that govern how we experience absolutely everything in our lives.
Now, you don't need to know every single law in order to manifest amazing things for you and your family...
But you do need to, at least on some level, understand a very important one:
The Law of Vibration.
This wonderful law explains absolutely everything in our universe, from quantum physics, to romantic chemistry, to manifestation of your heart’s deepest desires.
The Law of Vibration states that everything in our universe is made up of ENERGY which is vibrating at different frequencies.
The laptop or phone you're holding is made of vibrating energy...
Same with your fingers... which are also vibrating energy...
Your thoughts...
Your feelings...
Your wishes...
Your hopes...
And everything you will manifest from this conversation you and I are having.
All of these things are pieces of energy that vibrate at different frequencies.
To activate the Law of Attraction... you need to have the vibrations of your inner being match all the desires and wishes you're trying to manifest.
If your inner being is not vibrating at the same rate as the goals you wish to achieve...Then sadly... nothing you hold in mind will actually come your way.
In fact... you could think you're doing all the right things...And sadly be attracting the opposite!
All from not knowing the Law of Vibration.
However, once you know how to raise your vibration, everything changes.