Discover The Secret "Law of Vibration" & How To Manifest Your Most Urgent Desires With This Simple Practice of Love and Joy
Sarah Prout, co-creator of The Manifesting Academy, reveals how a proven 4-Step Process can raise your vibration to a level where you can manifest your deepest desires, hopes, and dreams in almost no time at all. 
Sarah Prout
Hi, it’s Sarah Prout here.

I'm speaking with you because we're both lovers of abundance...

Lovers of joy...

Lovers of love... in every form and every way...

And lovers of manifesting...

Creating the most exquisite life we can imagine, by using the Law of Attraction and other spiritual laws... to create the lives we want... the lives we choose to live.

The truth is that every moment can be a blissful, waking joy if you let it.

And if you're not experiencing wonderful abundance from using the Law of Attraction...

If you're not dancing in financial prosperity, and reveling in an amazing relationship, with sparkling health...

It means a piece is missing.

You could be very close to realizing all you want in life...

Creating a world for yourself, where all your desires are in the palm of your hand...

But if this piece is missing...

Things that could have taken you weeks or even days...

Can take years.

Or even decades.

I don't want that for you.

So I created this page to give you a special gift.

This is where I share a piece of wisdom that has forever changed my life, and that I hope will impact yours as well.
Sarah Prout
SARAH PROUT - bestselling author of Dear Universe. 
The Law of Vibration: The "Missing Piece" that Makes The Law Of Attraction Work For Every Person On Earth
When most people talk about The Secret or books like Ask & It is Given, they talk about the Law of Attraction... which I adore. 

But the Law of Attraction is just one of twelve spiritual laws that govern how we experience absolutely everything in our lives.

Now, you don't need to know every single law in order to manifest amazing things for you and your family...

But you do need to, at least on some level, understand a very important one:

The Law of Vibration.

This wonderful law explains absolutely everything in our universe, from quantum physics, to romantic chemistry, to manifestation of your heart’s deepest desires.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in our universe is made up of ENERGY which is vibrating at different frequencies.

The laptop or phone you're holding is made of vibrating energy...

Same with your fingers...  which are also vibrating energy...

Your thoughts...

Your feelings...

Your wishes...

Your hopes...

And everything you will manifest from this conversation you and I are having.

All of these things are pieces of energy that vibrate at different frequencies.

To activate the Law of Attraction... you need to have the vibrations of your inner being match all the desires and wishes you're trying to manifest.

If your inner being is not vibrating at the same rate as the goals you wish to achieve...Then sadly... nothing you hold in mind will actually come your way.

In fact... you could think you're doing all the right things...And sadly be attracting the opposite!

All from not knowing the Law of Vibration.

However, once you know how to raise your vibration, everything changes.
Discover The Secret "Law of Vibration" & How To Manifest Your Most Urgent Desires With This Simple Practice of Love and Joy
Sarah Prout, co-creator of The Manifesting Academy, reveals how a proven 4-Step Process can raise your vibration to a level where you can manifest your deepest desires, hopes, and dreams in almost no time at all. 
Sarah Prout
Hi, it’s Sarah Prout.

I'm speaking with you because we're both lovers of abundance...

Lovers of joy...

Lovers of love... in every form and every way...

And lovers of manifesting...

Creating the most exquisite life we can imagine, by using the Law of Attraction and other spiritual laws... to create the lives we want... the lives we choose to live.

The truth is that every moment can be a blissful, waking joy if you let it.

And if you're not experiencing wonderful abundance from using the Law of Attraction...

If you're not dancing in financial prosperity, and reveling in an amazing relationship, with sparkling health...

It means a piece is missing.

You could be very close to realizing all you want in life...

Creating a world for yourself, where all your desires are in the palm of your hand...

But if this piece is missing...

Things that could have taken you weeks or even days...

Can take years.

Or even decades.

I don't want that for you.

So I created this page to give you a special gift.

This is where I share a piece of wisdom that has forever changed my life, and that I hope will impact yours as well.
The Law of Vibration:
The "Missing Piece" that Makes The Law of Attraction Work for Every Person on Earth
When most people talk about The Secret or books like Ask & It is Given, they talk about the Law of Attraction... which I adore.
But the Law of Attraction is just one of twelve spiritual laws that govern how we experience absolutely everything in our lives.

Now, you don't need to know every single law in order to manifest amazing things for you and your family...

But you do need to, at least on some level, understand a very important one:
The Law of Vibration.

This wonderful law explains absolutely everything in our universe, from quantum physics, to romantic chemistry, to manifestation of your heart’s deepest desires.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in our universe is made up of ENERGY which is vibrating at different frequencies.

The laptop or phone you're holding is made of vibrating energy...

Same with your fingers... which are also vibrating energy...

Your thoughts...

Your feelings...

Your wishes...

Your hopes...

And everything you will manifest from this conversation you and I are having.

All of these things are pieces of energy that vibrate at different frequencies.

To activate the Law of Attraction... you need to have the vibrations of your inner being match all the desires and wishes you're trying to manifest.

If your inner being is not vibrating at the same rate as the goals you wish to achieve...

Then sadly... nothing you hold in mind will actually come your way.

In fact... you could think you're doing all the right things...

And sadly be attracting the opposite!

All from not knowing the Law of Vibration.

However, once you know how to raise your vibration, everything changes.
Just Raise Your Vibration to Start Immediately Attracting the Things, People, and Experiences You Desire, and Begin Living a Magical Life
The reason you're not getting all that you want is that your personal vibration is too low.

Remember that everything is energy, including your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

The lower the vibration you are running at... the worse you feel...

Notice that if you're feeling depressed, or sick, or guilty...

You just feel meh.

Physically, mentally, spiritually meh.. and it's not just in your head.

On the other hand... think about when you're in love!

In love with a wonderful person...

In love with the beautiful experiences you share with your children...

In love with LIFE itself!

Think about when you're dancing to your favorite tune... on a day where everything is going perfectly.

You feel alive.

You are lit up from the inside.

Your frequency is at its peak, and everything is just going great.
The Real "Secret" Is To Raise Your Vibration Using The 4-Step High-Vibe Frequency Formula And Experience Beautiful Loving Abundance
I've been teaching in The Manifesting Academy for a number of years now.
And I've consistently noticed that whenever someone is "stuck"...

All we have to do is get them to raise their vibration... and things begin to heal, fix, and flourish... like magic!

So many friends and students of mine came for help when they were "stuck," and over time, I started making the process simpler and simpler...

Until I could get anyone to raise their vibration in just four easy steps...

And we could make it fun!

After all... that's the point.

If you're not enjoying the process, you're not raising your vibration.

All you have to do is figure out where your vibration is set at the moment...

And apply this 4-Step Formula... and everything just works!
The phone calls you need start coming in...

The relationship just starts working out... out of nowhere...

And health issue you had been struggling with starts lightening up on its own... 

Sometimes to the surprise of doctors who don't think things should heal this fast!
Introducing: The High-Vibe Frequency Formula
Your 4 Steps To Dropping Negative Energy and Transforming Your Life Into A Magical World Of Manifestation
Your High Vibe Frequency Formula | Sarah Prout
In this special program, you will discover how to take whatever vibration and frequency you're resonating at now...
And turn it into a vibration that magnetically attracts love, abundance, and peace...

So all your desires begin showing up for you... in a way that makes your heart just flutter with joy.

I've created a special lesson plan that takes you by the hand, and leads you to a place of higher energetic vibration in almost no time at all.

You'll discover.
  • The true nature of the Universe... and why understanding your energetic reality makes every difference in how easily you manifest.
  •  How the Law of Vibration works... and how it's affecting everything you experience.
  • Why much of what you may have done with the Law of Attraction and Manifesting might have failed so far... and how to turn this around so you can begin reaping all the benefits of your past spiritual work right away.
  • ​How to reach the "Peak Manifestation State" where things you desire fly to you at a shockingly fast rate.
  • ​The true highest vibration you can reach... and why for many...  not reaching it was a choice you made in the past (and can undo with this method).
  • ​How to increase your Power of Discernment... so you know exactly what kind of people, experiences... and even food to be around... to bring you financial, health and relationship abundance.
  • ​The Scary Emotions you must avoid as much as possible (as these few can reverse all the good you've done with the previous steps).
  • ​How to create an energetic force field around yourself to guard yourself from the effects of negative people.
  • ​The way to Speak to the Universe and let it know you are ready for all the abundance it has to offer
  • ​How to do every step of the 4-Step High Vibe Frequency Formula... so you can raise your vibration right away and start attracting all you want and need in life. 
  • ​The secret to Keeping Your Dialogue with the Universe Flowing...  so you can consistently live your best life without having the "starts and stops" that most people experience. 

You get all of this in a special password-protected website, where you can log-in and start reading and watching your manifesting lessons immediately.
You and I will connect face to face through video in some modules.

And I have some modules in text that you can read again and again as you need.

Sarah Prout | Reviews
Start Raising Your Vibration and Manifesting Abundance Right Now for Just: $49 $9
The full price of this lesson plan is $49... which is more than worth it when you consider the financial value of reaching even one of your money goals this year.
Even raising your vibration a tiny bit will pay this back many times over...

Whether it's a pay-raise... an unexpected financial gift... a sale you make on eBay...

Or simply just one of the many free surprises that so many of my students report on the forums in The Manifesting Academy.
Sarah Prout | Reviews
Click the Button Now to Get The High-Vibe Frequency Formula For just $49 $9
Bonus: Raise Your Vibration Meditation
($9.95 Value FOR FREE)
Raise Your Vibration Meditation | Sarah Prout
As a "congratulations" and "thank you" for taking this amazing step in raising your vibration and attracting abundance...

I am going to gift you a very special meditation I recorded called, "Raise Your Vibration."

I know that there were many times on my journey where I could have used a guiding voice to help lift me up when times were down...

Or a gentle practice to take me from my comfort zone right into the upper realms of allowing greater prosperity.

So I recorded this special meditation that you can do any time.

In your car...

At home...

On a workbreak...

Even in the restroom (if it's the only place where you can find a little peace).

When you listen to this audio meditation, you will reconnect with your inner self and begin raising your energetic vibration with every breath.

This is amazingly powerful and just five minutes a day can do wonders for your whole world.

This is yours FREE when you take the right action and get The High Vibe Frequency Formula manifesting lesson today.
Sarah Prout | Reviews
You Don't Have to Decide Now - Try for a Full 30 Days with My 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I know the idea of raising your vibration is something you may need to experience to fully believe.

So I am going to prove it to you.

Take the next 30 days... and follow the simple action steps for raising your vibration.

It's a rather quick program so you should be able to start applying all the steps on the first day or two.

For the next two months... look around your world.

See how things change.

See how you feel.

See how others feel around you.

If you don't see absolutely amazing results...

Then simply just email me at and I will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Even if you're just simply too busy to do the exercises and decide you overspent on this... then please, let me refund your purchase.

I am that certain that this will change your life and bring you more abundance than you've ever dreamed.

Sarah Prout | Reviews
Your Choice - Keep Your Vibration & Success the Same... Or Skyrocket Your Life to Amazing Abundance, Love, and Prosperity
As much as I'd like to say "Everything will turn out alright," this is not the case.
Yes, in some ways, everything will work out... whether in this life or the next...

But there are millions of people who don't reach the beautiful potential of their lives...
All because they did not know how to raise their vibration.

I don't want that for you.

I went for years operating at a low vibration...

And while I wouldn’t change that, because it taught me valuable lessons...

Once I found an easier path, I grabbed onto it right away.

This is your chance to do the same thing... to take the easier path than what you've been taking.

All the lessons you needed from living at a low vibration... have been learned already.
You got the lesson done!

In fact... the only way to know you’re done with the lesson is to decide "I have graduated." 

You have graduated from this pain and it's time to move on... and claim your prize of wonderful abundance.
I want you to start experiencing that right away... without having to wait any longer.
Hurry... Get The High Vibe Frequency Formula Today!!
High Vibe Frequency Formula | Sarah Prout
"..This has been such an important lesson for me... I've been with Sarah's teachings for almost three years now and it's been so beneficial!"
~ Brieanna Lilly
You'll receive...
  • ​Step-by-step videos & instructions
  • ​Follow-along checklists that track your progress
  • ​30-day money back guarantee. No Matter the reason.
  • ​BONUS: My "Raise Your Vibration" Meditation.
  • ​Instant Access to your downloadable content
...all for just $49 $9.  Click the button now for INSTANT ACCESS!
100% Money Back Guarantee
Hurry... Get Your High Vibe Frequency Formula Today!!
Your High Vibe Frequency Formula | Sarah Prout
"..This has been such an important lesson for me... I've been with Sarah's teachings for almost three years now and it's been so beneficial!"
~ Brieanna Lilly
Your Price:
$9.00 (You Save 82% - Originally $49)
You'll receive...
  • ​Step-by-step videos & instructions on how to get the most out of Your High Vibe Frequency Formula.
  •  Follow-along checklists that track your progress.
  • ​60-day money back guarantee. No Matter the reason.
  • ​BONUS: My "Raise Your Vibration" Meditation.
  • ​Instant Access to your downloadable content
Imagine the Magical Life that Awaits You When You Own "The High Vibe Frequency Formula"
Imagine waking up in the morning feeling better than ever... just knowing things are going to go your way today.
Imagine having every step of your day being filled with peace, joy, and love.

Imagine having non-stop gratitude for every area of your life... having a bliss that shines through and makes everyone around you feel wonderful.

Imagine being able to set a wonderful example for your children of how to walk through the world in a positive, powerful state.

Imagine having all the financial abundance come right your way... all while you're doing the very thing you love.

I can't tell you exactly how your life will unfold once you learn to raise your vibration with the 4-Step High Vibe Frequency Formula...

But I can tell you that it will be a more delicious journey than you ever could have imagined.

It's up to you now.

I can't wait to hear your results, and I look forward to welcoming you into my Manifesting family at Soul Space Media.

With Love and Gratitude,
Sarah Prout
Co-Founder of Soul Space Media
Co-Creator of the Manifesting Academy
Success Stories From Manifestors Who Chose To Get Started
When You Take Inspired Action... This Is What You Could Experience:
When You Take Inspired Action...  This Is What You Could Experience: 
Sarah Prout | Reviews
Sarah Prout | Reviews
Sarah Prout | Reviews
Sarah Prout | Reviews
Sarah Prout | Reviews
Sarah Prout | Reviews
Sarah Prout | Reviews
Sarah Prout | Reviews
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   Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Q.   Does this manifesting lesson really work?
A.   YES! Intentional manifestors know that when the right intentions are combined with the right guidance and the right inspired action... miracles can begin to manifest with ease and grace. 

This is why it's so important to invest in yourself and learn from others who have journeyed before you. 

The great news is that this manifesting lesson takes you by the hand and guides you step-by-step, taking you through the entire high vibrational process from beginning to end... 

It's simple, easy and all you have to do is watch the videos and follow the checklists. 

Once you do, you'll able to manifest faster and with less effort than you ever imagined possible. 

The bottom line? This lesson is the best first step to clearing your energy so your intentions begin to manifest. 
Q.   Is there a guarantee?
A.   Of course! All of my trainings have a 30-day, no-questions- asked guarantee.

In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let my team or I know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease. 

You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!
Q.   Why just $9?
A.   If you’re thinking “$9 is cheap… what’s the catch?” then here are two reasons that should put your mind at ease:

1. $9 puts this information within the reach oeveryone… from single moms to entrepreneurs and beyond. 

2. It makes sure you’re serious. I only want to guide people who are ready to take soul-based action, and in my experience, charging anything… even if it’s just a dollar… gets rid of 99% of the people who just want to blame the Universe for their lack of success.

I also believe that once you experience this manifesting lesson, you’ll want more and maybe… just maybe… you’ll come back and further your curiosity in metaphysics.

But that’s it…

No fine print…no “hidden nasties”…no funny buggers. Just the inspiration you need and the results you want.
Q.   How long will it take to access this manifesting lesson?
A.    Instantly.

Immediately after you complete the order form, an e-mail will be sent to you with login details to access your manifesting lesson online. If for some reason you don't see it in your inbox (since we all know emails sometimes disappear!), just -mail my team at and they'll take great care of you. 
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304 S. Jones Blvd 2429 Las Vegas Nevada 89107 USA (702) 978-8391